The magnets will stay in the correct position by magnetic attraction.
A healthy weight loss system that will work because it uses the body’s own natural in-built intelligence that can help override any negative feelings due to discomfort and encourage long term observance with a minimum of self discipline. Zerodiet leads the way to achieving your ideal weight and being able to keep it without sacrifice.
ETHICAL: Zerodiet is recognised and registered as a MEDICAL DEVICE and carries a CE mark.
PRACTICAL: Self treatment saves time and trouble – especially to those used to regularly attending group courses.
PRIVACY: Self treatment gives you privacy and confidentiality
SAFE: Acupressure, based on acupuncture, is a ntural treatment with no adverse side effects or contraindications.
VERSATILE: Can be used in conjunction with other diets or weight loss programmes to accelerate target level desired.
ECONOMICAL: No other diet product can claim a lifetime of treatment for the price of a single purchase. The magnetic power will last for 100 years.
And by specialised medical centres in the USA and Canada. Global research on obesity that is not caused by medical disorders attributes the cause approximately 30% of cases of excess weight to overeating.
The magnets will stay in the correct position by magnetic attraction.